Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist specialized in Gestalt and body psychotherapy, trained in the work with dreams according to the Jungian and Gestalt approaches, sexuality and in the SAT program by Claudio Naranjo.

Since 2009 I am working as a psychotherapist, face-to-face (Rome, Macerata province, Parma province) and by Skype as well.

During the consultations, I combine various techniques going through the speech, the work on the body, the phototherapy, the plastic arts, the theatre – mainly based on the work of Boal and Grotowsky – the meditation, the dream analysis. This is the best way to promote your development at 360 °, considering all the areas of your reality to facilitate a complete and conscious vision of the vital moment you are going through.

In the further information, you will find the issues where I intervene.

I carry out individual, couple and family consultations, with adults and adolescents.

Psychotherapist specialized in working with expats, with first-hand knowledge of the reality in the field, accumulated through both regular and emergency humanitarian missions in conflict areas and through interventions in cases of critical incident.

Thanks to a great time flexibility and the use of Skype / Whatsapp / other Apps, I can follow you regardless of where you are and adjust the therapeutic setting according to your needs.

Sessions in English, Spanish, Italian, French.

In the further information, you will find:

• A link with my article on the expats’ experience working for NGOs and the uprooting syndrome, in which I also explain the model of intervention I work with;

• The most frequent distress reactions in this lifestyle;

• The definitions of stress, distress, burnout, vicarious trauma, ASD, PTSD, complex PTSD and the most typical changes that take place in the personality;

Degree in Transcultural Psychiatry at the Descartes University of Paris with Marie Rose Moro. I carry out individual and family consultations (couples with or without children, only parent with children) with people of any origin who are looking for a support that takes into account the possible difficulties linked to the process of métissage between the culture of origin and the acquired one.

I conduct the sessions in English, French, Spanish and Italian, for the other languages, the presence of an interpreter is required.

The sessions are a space to express your general difficulties and those more closely related to cultural factors as well.

In the further information, you may find some links containing articles and other useful information.

Family and community conflict mediator.

I work with people who are in a situation of conflict to help them find their own way out. Conflict, may be between family members or between two or more neighbours in the e of community mediation.

This situation of malaise can be recognized and shared by both or more parts involved in it or just by one of them; in any case, this does not constitute an impediment to the start of the mediation process.

In the further information, you may find more specificities on what the conflicts in which I intervene are, what mediation is and my way of working.

In the last few years, I have also been engaged in supervision and training in various fields.

Supervision can be both individual and group, clinical or focused on team dynamics.

The training relates mainly to emergency psychology, trauma concept and treatment, conflict management, body/movement therapy and stress/resilience. See further information for specific areas.


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+39/342 3269368

